Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Graphically Challenged

Well, I can now say that I've been really thrown up on.  Not just "sort of" thrown up on (or baby spit up thrown up on) but projectile-it-isn't-stopping-anytime-soon thrown up on.  Out of nowhere.  I didn't even have the luxury of being able to see it coming.

But she survived.  And I survived.  The carpet may not survive and I will now always associate the smell of Febreeze with the smell of vomit, but thankfully Alysha is going to lend me her carpet cleaner this weekend.

To top off the craziness of last night's vomit fest, I realized that I had left my flash drive at work.  The flash drive that contained my entire graphic design project.  The graphic design project that was due tonight.  Being a "temporary" employee, I do not have a key or keycard to get into Calvin Hall, so I was SOL.  After my massive Facebook meltdown (see, I shouldn't be allowed to post on Facebook!) I just went to bed.  I figured that whatever would happen today would happen.  A special thank you goes out to Eryn for her confidence in my ability to produce last minute results!

And today happened.  Thanks in part to the awesomeness of my supervisor who let me work on my project while at work, I managed to finish it on time.  At some point in the next few weeks I will be mailed my Certificate of Graphic Design.  Don't all cheer at once.

Actually, everything I learned in class will be great.  I think I will be more confident with any future invitations I make (for, ahem, maybe Lindsey Eis?).  At any rate, I should be able to make something far more impressive than some ribbon and paper glued together.

For our final project, we had to take a business - real or fictional - and create a logo and three projects for it.  One of my very best friends makes the loveliest crocheted hats and sells them at the Iowa City Farmer's Market in the summer.  She was kind enough to let me use her and her business as a guinea pig, and below is what I came up with.  Some aspects I love, and some aspects I hate.  I will let you decide for yourself.  Also, if you are in the market for some crocheted cuteness, check out Alysha's website!

Business Card Front and Back

Letterhead and Envelope (the straight line on the envelope indicates the flap - and the color is off)

Girl Sock Monkey Hat Brochure Page

Owl Hat Brochure Page (the color looks really off)

So glad it is done!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Perfect Baby

Cory's latest adventure is trying to teach Lucy to say how old she is. He will hold up two fingers and say, "You are two Lucy. How old are you?" And she will usually reply with something random and completely unrelated.  I think she moo'ed at him once.

And this makes me so happy. Because I am not ready. When he tells her she is two, I just want to shout "No! NO! My baby is only one!"  Please don't take away these last two weeks of my having a baby. January 25th is both a blessing and a curse.  Two years and nine months have gone by far too quickly.  Lucy turning two is going to be harder on me than me turning 30.

I really hope Happy Joe's serves beer.

I'm not sure why this is hitting me so hard.  She is healthy and strong and beautiful.  I can already see her wit and sense of humor.  I can feel her empathy and caring.  She is the perfect little girl.  Maybe I'm scared that each minute that ticks away is one minute closer to the time when she realizes how uncool I am and no longer wants to be close to me (I am really really uncool).  Maybe it has more to do with that the older she gets, the sooner I will have to make an actual decision about having another baby (uhh....).

I am being melodramatic here, but I know I am not the only one who has felt this way.

I am not looking forward to the day she actually fits in my shoes.

I've noticed, since Cory started trying to teach Lucy her age, that Lucy is obsessed with the number 2.  She won't tell us how old she is, but she will bring me things - two of them - and gleefully declare "two!"  Genius.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Owl Obsession

Alysha and I are a little obsessed with these guys lately.  She and I both started making them yesterday.  How can you resist her adorable owl-face?  Lucy was so incredibly excited when she saw it this morning. 

"Oww!  Oww!  Hoo Hoo!"  (translation: Owl! Owl!  Hoot Hoot!)

The pattern is crazy easy, and they are a great way to use scrap yarn, but safety eyes are a b-word to attach.  Considering I almost ripped my finger nail off, I'm not sure how "safe" they really are.

Here is the pattern:  Baby Owl Ornaments

I gave this little guy to my coworker Jody.  I plan on making tons more this weekend.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

2013 officially began.

My resolutions, thus far:

1.  Figure out this depression/anxiety/seasonal affective disorder/out and out craziness.  I made a doctor's appointment to re-evaluate.
2.  Be more patient with my ever growing toddler.  I hope that #1 will help aid in this.
3.  Take better care of my skin.
4.  Spend less.  Create more.

Speaking of ever growing toddlers, Lulu is a talking machine lately.  I'm amazed at the things that have come out of her mouth in just the last few weeks.  Actual full sentences.  Responses that make sense to my questions.  Hilarious things that come out of nowhere.  Did you know that Elmo is so big?  If you didn't, I'm sure Lu would love to tell you. 

"Emmo so big!" "Yeah baby!"  "Oh noes!"

And my personal favorite, "Hi Mommies!"

Mommies is so tired, so this is going to have to be a good enough start.

Happy New Year!